How To Clean Your Wooden Comb

Wooden Comb Cleaning Instructions

Making use of oil to clean your comb: 

You can use any natural oil, coconut and olive oil are the most popular.

You can clean the comb simply by applying the oil to a cloth that is clean and then wiping off the debris and the dirt from the comb in a gentle manner;  you will need to run the oily cloth through the teeth of the comb one after the other. 

Make use of a toothbrush with a soft bristle to clean the teeth and the spaces in between the teeth; don’t scrub the brush too hard.

Use dental floss or a string to clean the comb. You can then allow the comb to soak up the oil in the cloth by wrapping the oily cloth around the wooden comb overnight. 

You are not expected to do this frequently but it should be done at least once every month. 

Making use of water to clean your comb: 

It is important for you to always know and remember that water is not good for a wooden comb but if you decide to make use of the water method for the cleaning of your comb then you will need to avoid the act of immersing the comb into the water. 

All you will have to do is rinse your wooden comb in a bowl of water and then make use of a toothbrush that is soft to clean the teeth. 

Always make sure that you wipe off the comb with a dry cloth right after cleaning off the debris and the dirt from the comb with your toothbrush.

Clean the comb properly and thoroughly with a dry cloth until it is completely dry. 

The reason why you will need to dry off the water completely is because water left on the wood can cause splinters to the comb after some time of cleaning the comb that way. 

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